Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I'm not big on Valentine's Day (too commercial) but, decided to be creative this year. I combined that thought with a self challenge. Since the weather was cold outside it would be a good time to do a batch of puff pastry again. I truly love puff pastry and therefore choose not to make it too often (high fat and many calories). The results is I always feel rusty when attempting it again. So this time I searched out a new version with a lower fat ratio. Thank you Kaffeehaus by Rick Rodgers.
The dough came out beautiful thanks to the easy to follow directions and a cool kitchen. I did 6 turns; 3 letter and 3 book. I was so excited about the results until I realized I hadn't thought of what I wanted to do with the dough!
Ah ha, why not make some small Palimers in honor of Valentine's Day! So as not to over do my enthusiasm I took only half the dough freezing the rest for another project.
They came out golden and cute, crunchy and sweet from the carmelized sugar and simply crumbled in my mouth. My tester was thrilled to help and quickly finished the whole dish!
I'd sy that was over an all success. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day too!

1 comment:

  1. Your puff pastry looks beautifully smooth, and the palmiers look so flaky. Great job! I have a copy of Kaffeehaus. Will seek out that recipe and give it a try sometime.

    We both have the same blog background :o) I'm glad you left a comment on Heavenly Cake Place. That's how I found your blog. I'm one of the Heavenly Cake Bakers :o)
